An Eastern Orthodox Christian Looks West

Over lunch I finished reading An Eastern Orthodox Christian Looks West, an article posted on Devin Rose’s blog written by Eastern Orthodox Christian Timothy Flanders. In his extensive article he discusses his journey from Protestantism to Eastern Orthodoxy and then goes on to discuss his investigation of Catholicism.

Eastern Orthodox Christian Looks West

As a Catholic with a great attraction to the Eastern Christian heritage, I found it a really interesting read and I’m planning on reading it again tonight in an attempt to fully digest its content.

Devin is hoping for some really good Comment Box discussions so I decided to publish a link here in an effort to get more people to read it. I know that there are a good number of people who read this blog who come from different religious backgrounds who will have an interesting perspective on this article, particularly my Eastern Catholic friends.

Just in case…

Just in case you didn’t you didn’t realize it, yesterday was April Fools’ Day.

About a month ago, Joe Heschmeyer sent out an email to a number of Catholic bloggers inviting us to do something a little different for April Fools’ Day this year. Rather than doing the typical “fake news story”, he suggested we do some kind of satirical analysis:

…[the] Catholic issues that maybe have crossed your mind, but you think, “This is much too stupid to write a blog post about.”  It treads the fine line between the serious and the absurd.

I had shared with Joe my theories on He-Man, Christian Allegory and Transubstantiation when we got to hang out last November. It seemed to perfectly fit the criterion of “too stupid to write a blog post about”  🙂

Anyway, just in case you missed them, here are some of the other April Fools’ Day offerings out there:

Shameless Popery: How the Summa might address Zombie Uprising
The Thin Veil: “Pope To Blogosphere”
St. Joseph’s Vanguard: “The New Perspective on Peter”
Almost Not Catholic: I Relent!
Young, Evangelical and Catholic: Pope Excommunicates All Of Us!