The third chapter of Dr. Barber’s book he discusses the relationship between the Book of Revelation and the Catholic Liturgy. It is a brief review of the the material covered in another excellent book by Dr. Hahn’s book, The Lamb’s Supper.
Familiar Imagery & Structure
Dr. Barber begins by noting that no other apocalyptic book of antiquity relies quite so heavily on liturgical imagery as the Book of Revelation. In John’s book we find many things extremely familiar to a Catholic who attends Mass: Sunday worship, priests, vestments, incense, chalices, angels, saints etc.
In fact, the book of Revelation has profoundly impacted Christian liturgy and architecture throughout the centuries. For example, the celebrant’s chair is symbolic of the throne of God, and the surrounding chairs like those of the “elders” (Revelation 4:4).
This final book of the Bible is even divided into three parts which each have parallels with the sequence of the Catholic liturgy:
1. Penitential Rite
The early section of Revelation concerns seven letters which call the Church to repentance.
2. Liturgy of the Word
Later, a book is opened which brings about judgement.
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
The book ends with the Church being united to Christ in the supper of the Lamb.
But why use liturgical imagery? Revelation uses liturgical imagery because the Eucharistic celebration is the way the Lord comes to His Church. Dr. Barber points out that the Greek word “parousia” which is used to refer to the Lord’s “coming” actually has the primary meaning of “presence”. Upon hearing this fact, every Catholic immediately thinks of the Eucharist and Jesus’ real presence in the Sacrament.
“Every Eucharist is Parousia, the Lord’s coming” – Cardinal Ratzinger

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