The Lord of Time & Space

tardisA few days ago I received this email:

Any chance you could write about miracles that involve time (if there are any). There are miracles of all types it seems, but I’ve never heard of a miracle that involved some manipulation of time. Just curious if perhaps you had.

The first example I thought was from the Book of Joshua where one reading of the text (Joshua 10) would suggest that time stood still while the Israelites won the battle.

The other example I thought of was that of “bilocation”. In miracles of bilocation, a person is seen in two different places at the same time. In fact, the patron Saint of this blog, St. Drogo, was reported to have bilocated.

The final miracle I thought of was the Eucharist since, through the words of consecration, the sacrifice of Jesus is made present on our altars.

These were the only three examples I could think of though. I guess the problem with miracles concerning time is that they’re kinda hard to keep track of!

Can anyone think of any other examples of miracles concerning time?

One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic & Intergalactic Church

Happy St. George’s Day! Today I’m leaving Blighty and heading back to the United States with my shiny new visa.  Since I’m going to be on a plane for most of the day I thought today’s post should be something related to the theme of “flight”.

Before Lent, Elias over at “That Hideous Blog” posted a picture of a Russian Astronaut with an icon of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary):

Orthodoxy in space

This reminded me of an amazing podcast episode by Jimmy Akin from Catholic Answers. In this podcast episdoe he talks about how Catholicism might respond to space colonization. It makes me so happy that someone else is out there thinking about this stuff! 😀