This is why the Internet is great: a couple of months ago I got to hang out with Brock, a fellow commenter over at Shameless Popery. We got to share a pint and eat some delicious British food at my favourite pub
This Internet thing…I think some day it’s going to be HUGE!
Quite some time ago I remember reading an article at Called To Communion where I was presented with the positive case for Catholic salvation and I had my mind blown. I hadn’t realized quite how many non-Catholic concepts had crept into my brain.
During this past Lenten season I sent an email to Nick over at Nick’s Catholic Blog. Nick writes a lot on the subject of justification so I asked him to write a post putting forward the positive case for the Catholic view of salvation. The Protestant identity is often a negative one i.e. “Not Catholic” and I didn’t want to see Catholic soteriology go in the same direction i.e. “Not Sola Fide”. Here’s what he wrote:
If you’d like to understand more about the Protestant Reformed view of salvation and Penal Substitution, Joe recently did an article on this subject over at Shameless Popery.
A lot of my non-Catholic friends have been asking me about the recent news from the Vatican. During our discussions I’ve often mentioned Cardinal Ratzinger’s reaction to becoming Pope. If you haven’t read it already, I’d invite you to go and read Joe’s article over at Shameless Popery:
Earlier this week, Joe at Shameless Popery produced an excellent couple of posts (Part 1 | Part 2) in response to an hour-long presentation by Evangelical Brian Edwards. In his lecture, Pastor Edwards attempts to prove why the Protestant canon is correct and why the Bible should only contain 66 books.
I strongly recommend you go and read Joe’s rebuttal. However, if you’re too lazy, here it is expressed in “meme” form….
The authors behind my favourite apologetics website, Shameless Popery, have just posted the first part of the recording of their seminar “The Art and Craft of Catholic Apologetics”:
Just in case you didn’t you didn’t realize it, yesterday was April Fools’ Day.
About a month ago, Joe Heschmeyer sent out an email to a number of Catholic bloggers inviting us to do something a little different for April Fools’ Day this year. Rather than doing the typical “fake news story”, he suggested we do some kind of satirical analysis:
…[the] Catholic issues that maybe have crossed your mind, but you think, “This is much too stupid to write a blog post about.” It treads the fine line between the serious and the absurd.
I had shared with Joe my theories on He-Man, Christian Allegory and Transubstantiation when we got to hang out last November. It seemed to perfectly fit the criterion of “too stupid to write a blog post about”
Anyway, just in case you missed them, here are some of the other April Fools’ Day offerings out there:
On this blog I regularly share edifying resources that I’ve come across in my Internet wanderings. Today I’d like to publicise a site that is probably my favourite Catholic blog on the Internet:
Shameless Popery is written by a chap in the DC area named Joseph Heschmeyer. He posts articles pretty much every day on a wide range of subjects pertaining to the Catholic faith. He’s a lawyer by training and his systematic and methodical writing style is testimony to his logical and orderly way of thinking. I want to keep him humble so I’ll cease the adulation here, but I’d strongly encourage everyone to go subscribe to his blog.