Sowing Seed

A brother said to Poemen, “If I give my brother something, for instance a piece of bread, the demons made the gift worthless by making me think that it was done to please men.” The hermit said to him, “Even if it is done to please me, we still ought to give our brothers what they need.”

He told him this parable “In a town there were two farmers. One of them sowed seed, and and gathered a poor harvest; the other was idle and did not sow, and had no harvest to gather. If famine came, which of them would survive? The brother answered, “The one who sowed seed, even if the harvest was poor.” He said, “It is the same for us. We sow a few seeds, and they are poor, but in the time of famine we shall not die.”

– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V

Sunday Lectionary: God’s Green Fingers

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 17th, 2012

After the feasts and solemnities of recent weeks, we finally return to the regular Sundays in Ordinary Time.  For the next few weeks, our New Testament Reading we will come from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians and, for the remainder of this year, we will be working sequentially through the Gospel of Mark.

The Readings this week make heavy use of plant imagery. So, dig out your trowel, dust off your gardening gloves and let’s get stuck in!

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Lectionary Notes: The Seed of Life

15th Sunday In Ordinary Time: 10th July, 2011

Each week I produce notes for the upcoming Sunday Gospel for the Bible Study at St. John’s.

It’s a mixture of my own random thoughts, combined with what I’ve found in commentaries, sermons. I’m toying with the idea of publishing them here each week, so this is a bit of a test-drive…

If you think you’d find it helpful if I posted this each Monday evening, please let me know.

The Readings for this week focus around Jesus’ “Parable of the Sower”…
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