Searching Twitter
From time-to-time I have to try and find a message that I saw on Twitter. I can rarely remember how to do this, so this is a post with a link to Twitter’s Advance Search:

"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
From time-to-time I have to try and find a message that I saw on Twitter. I can rarely remember how to do this, so this is a post with a link to Twitter’s Advance Search:
Hey everyone! The Camino is going really well and I am now a little over half way to Santiago. My feet are a little tired, but nothing worse than that!
Where I’m currently staying at the moment has a computer so I wanted to briefly respond to a message I received from a friend who was looking for a few articles he knew I had written but couldn’t find. If you’re looking for something on this blog, you can use the search dialogue in the right corner of the website:
Not only that, you can also use the menu items along the header. Here there are a series of menu items which will take you to pages where I have attempted to highlight the more important articles on this site related to the subjects of Catholicism, Apologetics, Church History, Sacred Scripture and the always popular subject of Catholic Dating:
I’ll have computer access again in a couple of weeks once I’ve finished the Camino. Thank you for your prayers!