Did Paul Change His Name?

You often hear folks casually mention that Saul’s name was changed “Paul” following his conversion to Christianity. However, that really doesn’t seem to be the case…
Read more"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
You often hear folks casually mention that Saul’s name was changed “Paul” following his conversion to Christianity. However, that really doesn’t seem to be the case…
Read moreContinuing my attempts to produce these Lectionary Notes in under four hours…
The Readings this week focus around life in Christ.
We begin with an account of St. Paul’s failed attempts in Jerusalem to commune with Christ’s Body, the Church. Strangely enough, it turns out that people tend to be a bit stand-offish if you’ve previously tried to kill them! In our Gospel Reading, Jesus teaches his disciples using the metaphor of the vine, showing us that union with Him is essential if we are to live. He gives us a warning too, that if we do not produce fruit, we will be cut off from Him and deprived of His Divine life. St. John restates this sentiment in the Second Reading, exhorting his readers to “love not in word…but in deed”.
Let us come to Mass this week thirsty for the grace of Christ which is communicated through His Church. Let us drink deeply, returning to the world refreshed, ready to share the life of Christ and to bear fruit which will last.
Through Him, and with Him, and in Him…