PWJ: S1E14 – MC B3C2 – “The Cardinal Virtues”

Carindal Virtues

In today’s episode, we revisit some of the material covered in the previous chapter. In this episode, C.S. Lewis re-examines the question of morality through the classical lens of the four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Fortitude.

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Episode 14: “The Cardinal Virtues” (Download)

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Wise Words on Wednesday: The Altar Switch


The beautiful bride in her gown stands up in front of the altar and reaches out for the hand of her handsome groom in his bow tie and tux…they pledge their love to one another, declare their vows, and flip the Altar Switch – instantly becoming the man and woman, the husband and wife they always dreamed they’d be

– Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue

Wise Words on Wednesday: The Texting High


“…a girl who has seven different guys she texts in order to be emotionally filled up, to mask her insecurities, her feelings of worthlessness or of being alone. The women tell me that the sensation and surge of worth and fulfillment they get from seeing their phone light up with an incoming text is intoxicating. The words of endearment or desire are like a drug – addictive, always leaving you wanting more”

– Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue

Wise Words on Wednesday: Find Your Posse


“There is a posse of men I know who really exemplify the strength and perseverance of living out the Virtue Challenge together. They confided in me that all five of them were fighting addictions to pornography and sexual sin. They got together and talked about it openly and honestly and decided to hold each other accountable. If any one of the guys fell in a moment of weakness, he would send out a group text to all the men in the posse, and from that moment on all five men would fast for twenty-four hours. No one ate. They prayed for each other and sacrificed eating for twenty-four hours”

– Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue

Wise Words on Wednesday: What forms us


Our present actions have this effect because we are forming our hearts, our minds, our desires, our goals, and our dreams. In other words, what we let into our minds and hearts now will affect us moving forward. How we let the pressures and the insecurities and the fears of life play out will affect us, and they will begin to form us

– Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue

Wise Words on Wednesday: Time & Place


Imagine your relationship is like a grand and beautiful house, and in that house there is a fireplace – massive, oak, ornate and stunning. You put the firewood in the fireplace, light the match, and enjoy the warmth and romantic ambiance. The fireplace is marriage – where sex is not only safe and secure but is an incredible gift from God. The fire is our sexual hunger and intimacy; and if it is not used in its right time and setting, it will actually bring gret harm. So, imagine that beautiful house again with no fireplace in it: if you lit a fire in the middle of your living room, you would burn your whole house to the ground.

– Sarah Swafford, Emotional Virtue

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