Taking a little break…

Hey everyone,

As those of you who have been following my Twitter feed will know, I just moved from San Diego to Seattle to be closer to my loverly girlfriend. As such, life will be a little hectic for a while so I’ve decided to take a break from blogging for the month of June.

See you all then,


December Blog Love

While I was on my blogging sabbatical in December, I had a couple of blogs reference my website. The first was Veil Nation:

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When I produced the graphics for “Wear The Veil” campaign, I just searched Google Images for a base graphic with which to begin my work. Well, it turns out the graphic I used was of a veil called the Colette Veil, produced by Ann Anzul. Ann found my graphic and gave me a shout-out. Thanks Ann! 🙂

The second reference to my my blog in December came from Jim who writes at Not For Itching Ears:

Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 3.04.12 PMJim’s post wrote about how to become a better blogger. In the section where he spoke about reading and commenting on other blogs, he had these kind words to say about this site:

One of my favorite blogs is called Restless Pilgrim.   It challenges my world view!  He’s Catholic,  I’m a Protestant who has wandered far, far, far from home!  We have great conversations about theology and early church history, which is the kind of stuff I like and write about.  He does too. David comments on my blog and I on his.  I am not sure who interacted with who first, but whoever did, made blogging a lot more interesting.  I have lots of stories like that and you will too if you “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Always a pleasure Jim 🙂

I’m baaaaaaack…

So it’s 2015, which means my sabbatical is over and I’m back blogging! The posts over the next few days are going to be pretty light as I’m working on a few special blogging projects:

1. I am completing a series of posts concerning abortion, which I’m posting to coincide with the March For Life later this month.

2. Next, I have a series of guest posts on the subject of sex for the Goretti Group that I’m just finishing off which will be published in a few weeks.

3. Finally, I’m recording a video series on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians. You’ll be hearing more about all these projects over the next couple of weeks…

The break was good, but it’s good to be back. Happy New Year everyone 🙂


Heading out into the desert…


Hey everyone,

I hope you’ve all been enjoying the recent posts here at Restless Pilgrim. I wanted to thank those of you who gave me feedback and continued the discussion in the Comment Boxes – you bring so much to the conversation, thanks 🙂

I’ve decided to take a one-month hiatus from blogging here. I feel like I need a bit of a break, plus I have a few exciting projects which need my attention…

In the meantime, I’ve setup the blog to post a quotation from the Desert Fathers each day so you won’t get bored or get out of the habit of stopping by here to say “Hello” 🙂

See you in October!

(The Restless Pilgrim)

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