While I was on my blogging sabbatical in December, I had a couple of blogs reference my website. The first was Veil Nation:

When I produced the graphics for “Wear The Veil” campaign, I just searched Google Images for a base graphic with which to begin my work. Well, it turns out the graphic I used was of a veil called the Colette Veil, produced by Ann Anzul. Ann found my graphic and gave me a shout-out. Thanks Ann! 
The second reference to my my blog in December came from Jim who writes at Not For Itching Ears:
Jim’s post wrote about how to become a better blogger. In the section where he spoke about reading and commenting on other blogs, he had these kind words to say about this site:
One of my favorite blogs is called Restless Pilgrim. It challenges my world view! He’s Catholic, I’m a Protestant who has wandered far, far, far from home! We have great conversations about theology and early church history, which is the kind of stuff I like and write about. He does too. David comments on my blog and I on his. I am not sure who interacted with who first, but whoever did, made blogging a lot more interesting. I have lots of stories like that and you will too if you “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Always a pleasure Jim