Romantic Movies

The other day on Facebook, a friend of mine who is a Christian speaker asked for recommendations for romantic movies, but only ones which didn’t have lots of inappropriate material. Now, I understand that the term “inappropriate material” means different things to different people, but I was quite amazed at some of the recommendations he received. Anyway, I decided to start compiling my own list of movies and I would love your help!

  1. Pride & Prejudice
  2. Sense & Sensibility
  3. Persuasion
  4. Emma
  5. Hitch
  6. Ever After
  7. Kate & Leopold
  8. You’ve got mail
  9. Sleepless in Seattle
  10. The Princess Bride
  11. Martha, mett Frank, Daniel and Laurence
  12. 50 First Dates
  13. Music & Lyrics
  14. IQ
  15. The Family Man
  16. Return to me

What did I miss? Do you have any other recommendations?

One Minute Review: Becoming Mrs Lewis

This past week I’ve been working my way through Becoming Mrs Lewis by Patti Callahan, a novelisation of the relationship and romance between my hero, C.S. Lewis, and Joy Davidman. I hadn’t known that much about either Joy or her writings prior to starting this book, most of which was gleaned from the rather unreliable Shadowlands movie.

I have to say that, by the time I finished this book, my appetite had greatly increased to know more about this fascinating woman. In fact, I immediately ordered two books by Dr. Don King, one an edited collection of her letters, and another of her poetry, short extracts of which we were treated to at the start of each chapter. 

The book is beautifully written. I can’t emphasize that enough. Patti Callahan took me on a journey. I couldn’t help be drawn in as I travelled with Joy, experiencing the highs of her trip to England, as well as the lows of her crumbling marriage. 

New Catholic Dating Website Launched!

For the last couple of months, I have been helping beta test a website which is being launched by a friend of mine. Normally, I’m the one writing the code, so it was a lot of fun having an opportunity to find the bugs in someone else’s work!

Although I’ve known people to find their spouse on, I also know of a lot of people who have found the whole online dating experience frustrating. If this is you, you might like to try CatholicChemistry

Click on the link above and sign up with the promo code “JMJ”, you’ll get a 6-month subscription for freeIf you’re not sure how to start the conversation and get a date, you might like to try some of my favourite Catholic pick-up lines. You can thank me in your wedding toast… 😉

Getting that date: Five suggestions

Date MeSo, a while back I wrote a series of posts on the subject of dating which turned out to be rather popular. People clearly love to read and talk about relationships! At the end of the series, several of my friends asked me if I would be writing more entries, but I told them that I’d already said everything I had to share on the subject.

Well…it turns out that I was wrong, because here I am, a year later, writing another post on the subject of dating. A while back, I had a friend of mine message me and say “I wanna ask someone out. Any ideas for a date and how should I ask her out?” Clearly, word had got around that I now have a beautiful girlfriend and this qualifies me to answer a question of this magnitude!

Seriously though, as I wrote in an earlier article, Catholic guys are generally pretty terrible at asking girls out, so I think it’s worth publishing the answer I gave my friend. Not everyone will agree with what I have to say, but that’s fine, please leave a message in the comment box.

Now, I have not always followed the suggestions I am about to give below, but I wish I had. My advice represents the solution to some of the different kinds of mistakes I’ve made in the past… 🙂

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TOT: Vocation To Love

In this last Theology On Tap series we also heard a presentation from Peggy and Deacon Ralph Skiano, the Directors for Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese. Their talk was entitled “Vocation to love” and is available for download below:

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

Online Dating as a Catholic: Part 3

Today is the final post in our series on on-line Catholic dating. It is written by my friend Matthew Grivich, author of the book Rational Faith

As I mentioned in the first post, Catholic Match “how we met” stories are not helpful because they are more advertisements than anything and don’t really help single people. For this reason, I will give our “how we met” story and I’ll leave in a lot of the little details (and things that could have derailed the relationship). It gets to be a long story, but I would have valued these types of stories when I felt like I had no idea what I was doing.

2015.02.14 Jennifer Torrano & Matthew Grivich Engagement

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