TEA: God’s Mercy, Freely Received, Freely Given

I was back at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church in Los Angeles this past week. On this visit I was speaking to their Confirmation group about the Sacrament of Confession and more broadly on the subject of mercy.

The group was in quite a wide semi-circle, so I walked around quite a bit so the microphone couldn’t always pick up all the audio perfectly, but here you go…

God’s Mercy: Freely Received, Freely Given (Download)

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TEA: Life in Christ, not just improvement, but transformation

In this episode of “Theology With An English Accent” (TEA) is the first of a few talks I’m giving this Lent at St. Ignatius in Los Angeles. This is a longer version of the talk I gave the previous week in Dodge City which was called “What is the point of Christianity?”. The first 20 minutes is basically identical, after which I get into new material.

Life in Christ: Not mere improvement, but transformation (Download)

You can subscribe to “Theology With An English Accent” manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found  (Feed | iTunes | Google Play).

TEA: Doing What you love for jesus

In this episode of “Theology With An English Accent” (TEA) is the second talk I gave at the Southern Kansas Young Adult Conference last week. If there was one of my talks that I’d like every Catholic to hear, this is probably in top three and is based on the my acceptance speech for the FIAT Award last December:

We are all called to ministry : Doing what you love for Jesus (Download)

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe to “Theology With An English Accent” manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found  (Feed | iTunes | Google Play)

PWJ: S2E8 – Bonus – “What is the point of Christianity?”

I was in Kansas this weekend speaking at a retreat so I didn’t get a chance to put together an episode with Matt. Rather than deprive you of an episode this week, here is the audio of a talk I gave at the weekend which draws heavily from Lewis and Mere Christianity.

Another speaker had meant to join me that weekend on the retreat, but unfortunately his flight was cancelled due to snow storms. This meant that we had to reorganize the programme, meaning that one of my talks was in the morning – that is the significance of my comments before my introduction.

S2E8: “What is the point of Christianity?” (Download)

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle PlayPodbeanStitcherTuneIn and Overcast).

Apologetics For The Confused (MP3)


This is the second of two talks I gave during Lent at a parish in Los Angeles this year…

“Apologetics for the confused” (Download)

Audio Player



— Questions —

• What does IHS stand for?

• Who is your blog’s patron saint?

• How do you evangelize at work?

• How do I deal with my Mormon family attacking my Faith?

• What can I do about my niece who is drifting away from the Faith?

TEA: How to read the Bible like a Catholic (St. Ignatius)

Bible Rosary

During Lent, I gave two talks at St. Ignatius Catholic parish in Los Angeles. Here is the first talk I gave on reading Sacred Scripture:

“How to read the Bible like a Catholic” (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player


— Questions —

• What does Jesus mean when he says that, to be his disciple, we must “hate mother and father”?

• What is apologetics?

• What kind of Bible would you recommend?

• If I want to read a book of the Bible, where should I start?

• Why do some people leave the Catholic Faith?

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