Improving the church
I recently came across this article from Daniel Dozier, a Deacon in the Byzantine Catholic Church, about his top ten ideas for Catholic Reform. I have to say, I’m kind of inclined to agree with him…
Step 1: Repent Publicly and Immediately and Announce a Plan of Reform.
Step 2: Investigate and Clean House.
Step 3: Create an Episcopal Accountability Board.
Step 4: Create Many More Bishops and Many More Dioceses.
Step 5: Build Fraternity Among the Remaining Clergy.
Step 6: Build an Organic Pipeline of Vocations for the Priesthood Through the Restored Use of Minor Orders, an Apprenticeship Model of Formation, an Extended Period in the Diaconate and with Required Professional Work Experience.
Step 7: Viri Probati.
Step 8: Begin a Preaching Campaign on Living an Evangelical Catholic Life.
Step 9: End the Liturgical Nonsense. End it. END IT.
Step 10: Restore the Election of Diocesan/Eparchial Bishops, Create a National Catholic Synod of Bishops with a Patriarch who Votes in the Election of the Pope of Rome.