Okay, this one is a little different. This is what I’ve been listening to all morning. It is audio from Saint Pope John-Paul II, interlaced with background music. It’s surprisingly good to have on in the background while working…
Yesterday was the feast day of one of my favourite Early Church Fathers, St. John Chrysostom . I’ve said for a while now that I’ve wanted to work to produce something which introduces Pope St. John-Paul II’s “Theology Of The Body” using the writings of St. John Chrysostom, to use this revered eastern father as a gateway for Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians who haven’t really been exposed to the Catholic Church’s former pontiff’s magnum opus.
Below is a short video from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology which speaks a little bit about St. John Chrysostom’s beautiful theology surrounding marriage:
I’ve mentioned before about being rather mystified about how people talk contrast Pope Francis with Pope Benedict as though Pope Francis is doing something utterly different from his predecessors…