Catholic Artists

If you’ve followed this blog for some time, you will know that each Monday I do a post where I share some Christian music, either ancient or modern. I recently discovered a website which will help me select contemporary songs by Catholic artists, The Catholic Playlist Show:


Since I’m not regularly in Protestant circles these days, my exposure to Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is not as great as it used to be, so this site and podcast is ideal for me. The other amazing thing is that about this site is that the Catholic Playlist Show exclusively showcases Catholic artists. Honestly, I think I could name all the prominant contemporary Catholic musicians I know on a single hand, so we’ll see if this site manages to change that!

Pilgrim Podcast: Episode 0

coverIn the past I have toyed around with the idea of starting a podcast. For example, during Lent one year I produced a series of YouTube videos on the Epistle to the Philippians, I extracted the audio from each video and setup a podcast feed so that people could easily follow along with the study on their iPods. However, I never really committed to doing a podcast in its own right…until now.

At the bottom of this post, you’ll find the inaugrual episode of the new Restless Pilgrim Podcast where I outline this new project.

I’m sure there will be plenty of new challenges ahead as I try to do record a weekly podcast. Even in simply producing this short, initial episode I discovered that I say “um” in my speech far more often than I had imagined! However, I’m sure that this new endeavor will give me ample opportunity to grow, to learn more about the world of podcasting and hopefully to become a better evangelist, learning to articulate the truths of the Catholic Faith more clearly and charitably.

Episode 0: Inaugual Podcast (Download)

New Podcast: Catholic Bytes

My friend Joe is studying at the North American College in Rome, where he’s surrounded by brilliant English-speaking Catholics from around the globe: classmates, professors, and various luminaries who pass through their halls while doing more important things. Together with some of his classmates, they’ve decided to take advantage of this fact and create a regular Catholic podcast: interviewing experts in liturgy, theology, Church history, and several other fields.

The result is Catholic Bytes podcast ( it’s designed to be frequent (once or twice a week), short (under 10 minutes), clear (we’ve got multiple reviewers doing quality control), and orthodox. Oh, and the first episode got released today…enjoy 🙂

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