New Podcast on the way…


The above picture was taken on a trip to Oxford I made a few years ago. I am standing inside “The Eagle and Child”, the preferred pub of “The Inklings”, the literary club to which C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien belonged.

In the next week or so I will be launching a new podcast. If you’ve been enjoying my other podcast, The Restless Heart, don’t worry, that will continue as normal. This new podcast will be called “The Eagle and Child”, named after that Oxford pub. Together with my friend Matt, we will work through C.S. Lewis’ book, “Mere Christianity”, chapter-by-chapter.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to become more familiar with C.S. Lewis, I’d invite you to buy a copy of Mere Christianity and join us each week as we discuss one of Lewis’ most famous works. If you have an questions or comments, please tweet us at @PintsWithJack.

Matt and I had a test recording last week and, as I listen to what we recorded, I’m really excited for the road ahead…

Restless Heart Podcast Launched!


Today is the the Feast Day of St. Christopher, the patron Saint of travellers, and St. James, the patron of the Camino De Santiago, so it seemed like an appropriate day to launch a new podcast, “The Restless Heart”. Each week on this podcast I will be sitting down with my friend Nessa to discuss some aspect of the Catholic Faith.

Restless Heart – Pilot (Download)


— Show Notes —

* If you have iTunes installed, you can click here to subscribe. Alternatively, you should be able to find us in the podcast section of the iTunes Store and Google Play. If you need to setup your podcast feed manually, our feed is:

If you have any feedback or would like to pose a question for an upcoming episode, you can always tweet us at @davidandnessa.

Help! What should we call this?


HELP PLEASE! My friend Nessa and I are starting a podcast, but we need help with the name…

We’ve been meeting up for the past few weeks to record some prototype episodes. Each one has been 15-30 minutes long and topics have been pretty broad-ranging:

  • “Worship in the Early Church”
  • “Dating non-Catholics”
  • “Getting more out of the Mass”
  • “13 Reasons Why”
  • “Getting to grips with the Old Testament”
  • “An introduction to Confession”

…what should we call the podcast?

“Epistle Of Joy” Podcast

I recently setup the podcast feed for the San Diego diocese Theology On Tap. In order to do this, I had to learn a few things about RSS feeds and the Feedburner service. While I was learning, I setup a podcast feed for the MP3 version of the Philippians Bible study I posted during Lent. So, if you would like to easily listen to the audio version of that Bible Study, you can subscribe using your favourite podcast software by clicking below:

Epistle Of Joy - Feedburner

New “Theology On Tap” Podcast!

I’m very pleased to announce that the San Diego Diocese has just launched a podcast feed! From now on, the audio from the Theology On Tap sessions will be available on your desktop and mobile devices.

It is available on iTunes:


…and also on Google Play:


If you have difficulty subscribing with either of these, you can either search for the podcast in the respective stores, or manually add the feed to your podcast app:


If you have any problems with the podcast, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to sort them out!

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