The existence of God: The Argument From Desire

There are many topics I’ve wanted to write about but either through lack of time or, more recently, writer’s block, I’ve never quite managed to tackle them. However, today I will begin to scratch a writing itch which I’ve had for some time. Over the next month or so, I will be publishing articles which relate to the classical proofs for the existence of God.

Argument From Desire

A few days ago, I was talking with a friend on Facebook who is a former Catholic. During our discussion, I mentioned a philosphical proof for God, known as the “Argument From Desire”. He asked me to explain it, so I wrote a brief summary of the proof and we spent a little bit of time going back and forth. So, drawing upon this conversation, I thought that this would be good topic with which to begin this series of posts on the philosophical arguments for God…

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Read More Books Now!

So I just signed up for Brandon Vogt’s “Read More Books Now” video course:


The course comes highly recommended from such notable people as Dr. Peter Kreeft. I bought the course outright, but Brandon is also offering a deal where payment is postponed until the end of the course so that you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t end up doubling the number of books you read. Pretty sweet deal 🙂

Today is the last day of the sale, so if you’d like to join me in learning how to read more books and retain more of their content, head on over to Brandon’s site,

My weekend

So, I spent this weekend sick in bed. It began with a sore throat Friday night and progressed to my head and chest through the weekend.

Although I’m feeling better than I did, my voice still isn’t great, continuing to sound like Barry White, and I feel rather drained still. As such, I’m not feeling up to recording a video today, sorry. The next one will be posted on Tuesday.

Today has been rather strange in that I haven’t been to Church. I’ve been trying to think of the last time I didn’t get to Mass/Liturgy on a weekend and I think it’s got to be well over a decade. Every now and then I get into a discussion with a non-Catholic concerning the Catholic understanding of the necessity of going to Church, but honestly, if I could find a way to communicate how I currently feel, it would probably be far more compelling of an argument. Deprived of the Bread of Heaven, today seems…incomplete. I feel…hungry.

That is not to say that God has held back the grace today. I have been able to offer up my discomfort for the many intentions of those around me and it really hasn’t been that uncomfortable. I have spent last the time listening to talks, reading books (God bless Peter Kreeft!) and spending time in what Matthew Kelly would call “The Classroom of Silence”.

I had a lot of things that I had planned to do this weekend and I achieved very few of them. In the well-known story of “Mary & Martha”, Martha busies herself and Mary sits at the Lord’s feet and listens and, for this, Jesus says that she chose “the better part”. Sometimes the Lord chooses “the better part” for us. He loves us like that 🙂

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