TOT: Adulting the Catholic Way


Tonight’s “Theology On Tap” was hosted by Paul Kim. Paul came to speak to use about “Adulting the Catholic Way”. Paul is a husband and father of two, as well as a well-known Catholic speaker, beatboxer and avid Instagram picture-taker!

If you would like to hear audio from other San Diego “Theology On Tap” sessions, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play or manually via the RSS feed.

“Adulting the Catholic Way” (Download)

Audio Player

If you would like to hear a little bit of his beatbox, please click here

The Meaning of beauty

Since getting back from Spain, I’ve been catching up on my blog reading. Today I read an article by Maggie Kim, published on her husband’s website PJK Music, which is entitled “I lost all my hair but found the meaning of beauty”:


In the article Maggie, who has a head of hair which would put a L’Oreal model to shame, explains that while she was pregnant with her second child, her hair started falling out. She describes how she struggled with this and how her beliefs concerning beauty were challenged as she came to terms with the fact that before the preganancy would be complete, she would have lost all her hair…