2013 Resolutions
The other day I did a review of my 2012 Resolutions and it’s now time to write some for 2013!
Resolution #1. Go dancing at least once a week.
Last year one of my less successful resolutions was to dance “more”. This year I’ve decided to continue the resolution, but this time be a bit more specific. I have to go somewhere at least once every seven days.
Resolution #2. Check bank statements once a week.
Like the entry above, this is a resolution carried over from 2012 which has been made a bit more concrete in an attempt to force me to do it properly. Last year I said “Keep better track of finances”. In 2013 I have to log into my Internet banking once a week.
Resolution #3. Complete Reading List
I’ll be publishing my 2013 reading list here later this week.
Resolution #4. Give up Facebook for Lent
Now that I’ve got my blog posts publishing directly to Facebook, I’ll have absolutely no reason not to get that digital monkey off my back…
Resolution #5. Guard free time more jealously
Last year was the “Year of Martha“. My schedule was packed and at times things got quite stressful. My aim this year is to make absolutely sure I don’t take on too much and that I get plenty of time to rest and recharge. This will involve a weekly Holy Hour, come what may. 2013 is going to be the “Year of Mary”
Resolution #6. Invest more time in friendships
This resolution flows from #5. I have some really good friends. I should spend more time with them.
Resolution #7. Blacklist TV Shows
Also flowing from #5, I’ve got to stop wasting time watching junk on TV. No more Scrubs, Family Guy, Always Sunny in Philadelphia etc.
Resolution #8. Run a half marathon and do a 15 minute plank
Here’s the mandatory fitness resolution.
Resolution #9. Cook a proper meal once a week
I really do enjoy cooking, but I don’t do it nearly as often as I should. That will change.
Resolution #10. Write the book
I’ve had “Write a book” on my bucket list for several years now and this year I’m going to finally cross it off. It’s going to be an expansion on my Leading Bible Study blog series and I’ll probably publish it with Lulu.com (although I will probably also send the manuscript to Ignatius Press just for fun of pretending to be a real author).
What are your resolutions for 2013?