Resolution Update #2

Time for a resolution update. Oh, things haven’t been going well…

1. Read through the New Testament Twice

2. More dancing

3. Be more gentle with people

4. No sodas/fizzy drinks
Still clean.

5. Get into the best shape of my life
Going very well. I’m on Day #9 of my ten day challenge at Boot Camp.

6. Complete reading list
On course. I’ve finished Brandon Vogt’s book and now starting on John Piper’s.

7. Keep proper track of finances

8. Tick something off my TODO list
Very well. There’s lots to do for Daughters Of The King and Theology On Tap so there are always lots of things to cross off!

10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday
Going well.

11. Give up Facebook for 40 days
That’ll be happening next month…

12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass
Still going well.

Resolution Update

Okaaaaay….it’s new resolution update time…

1. Read through the New Testament Twice
My reading has been too irregular.

2. More dancing

3. Be more gentle with people
Some successes and failures

4. No sodas/fizzy drinks
21 days clean 🙂

5. Get into the best shape of my life
Boot camp still going well

6. Complete reading list
Over half way through The Church And The New Media and loving it 🙂

7. Keep proper track of finances
Mostly good

8. Tick something off my TODO list
My mirror is covered with crossed-off items!

10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday
Halo is nice and shiny

11. Give up Facebook for 40 days
Will be doing this in March.

12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass
Looking swanky 🙂

My 12 for 2012

I wrote earlier about my New Year’s Resolutions. One of the items was “Complete Reading List”. Here are the books I’ve selected:

My Reading List

I’m sure this little bundle will inspire a blog entry or two…

The Church and the New Media – Brandon Vogt
The Path of Life – Cyprian Smith OSB
I’m Not Being Fed! – Jeff Cavins
Jesus of Nazareth – Pope Benedict XVI
Rediscover Catholicism – Matthew Kelly
Godless Delusion – Patric Madrid & Kenneth Hensley
The Passion of Jesus Christ – John Piper
How To Listen When God Is Speaking – Mitch Pacwa, SJ
Father Brown of the Church of Rome – G.K Chesterton
Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias
The Story of Christianity – Justo Gonzalez
Philosophy For Dummies – Thomas Morris

I will be beginning with the one at the top of the pile The Church and the New Media which I recently won in a competition over at the author’s blog, The Thin Veil. Thanks Brandon! 🙂

New Resolutions

Okaaaaay….it’s new resolution time… Here’s what 2012 has in store for me…

1. Read through the New Testament Twice: This is actually quite a modest goal if I’m honest. I did toy with the idea of reading the entire Bible this year, but in the end I favoured this goal in the hope that I will achieve the daily prayerful Lectio Divina reading that I tried (and failed) to do in 2011.

2. More dancing: This is being carried over from last year.  My goal is to be dancing weekly by the end of 2012.

3. Be more gentle with people: Later this month I’ll do a blog entry explaining exactly what I have in mind here…

4. No sodas/fizzy drinks: Sodas are the new chocolate 😉

5. Get into the best shape of my life: This is another resolution continued from last year. I’m aiming to complete this resolution by my next birthday in April. I’ve signed up for the Warrior Dash and I may do a half-marathon…

6. Complete reading list: I’m going to be a bit more purposeful in my reading in 2012. I have assembled a list of twelve books that I want to finish by the end of the year. I’ll do a post on these books when they’ve all arrived.

7. Keep proper track of finances: Last year I got some way towards achieving this goal. This year I’m going to be a bit more specific: I’m aiming to check my bank accounts and check my budget once a week.

8. Tick something off my TODO list: I usually have a list of TODOs up on the mirror in my apartment. I want to get into the habit of ticking off something every day, even if it’s just something simple like “Answer Joe’s email” or “Do washing up”.

10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday: Fasting twice a week was a practice of the Early Church and I’d like to integrate it into my life.

11. Give up Facebook for 40 days: Just to show I can 😉 I’ll probably do it after Daughters Of The King.

12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass: For years I was an altar server, so the only thing that mattered was that I wore black shoes since a cassock covered everything else. I’ve therefore never given much thought to what I’ve worn to the liturgy but a few months ago I decided that I should address this.

Last Year’s Resolutions

Tomorrow I’ll post my new resolutions for 2012, but I thought I’d first do a quick review of those from last year.

1. Spend 30 minutes every day in Scripture: A lot of my time in 2011 was spent reading and studying Scripture, but I didn’t manage to achieve the quiet lectio divina style of reading for which I was aiming.

Final Grade: C

2. More dancing: I did quite a bit here. I taught a good handful of times, went out social dancing a few times, attended Swing Diego and did a couple of months of West Coast Swing classes. However, I didn’t manage to settle into a regular pattern of dancing.

Final Grade: D

3. No more rushing: I think I really nailed this one. I had a busy year, but I didn’t overbook or frantically run about from appointment to appointment.

Final Grade: A

4. No chocolate: Did it. It was horrible. I love chocolate.

Final Grade: A

5. Get into the best shape of my life: At the beginning of the year I began keeping a closer eye on my diet. However, I didn’t really get into the way of regular exercise until towards the end of the year. I began running with John in the mornings but finally signed up for Bootcamp. Within two months of joining Bootcamp I lost 4% body fat and 8lbs. I go four or five times a week.

I’m not yet in the greatest shape of my life, but I’m well on my way to getting there. I’ve signed up for the Warrior Dash in March, by which time I hope this resolution will be achieved…

Final Grade: B

6. At least five minutes of guitar practice every day: I haven’t strictly fulfilled this, but I now to play very regularly and I think I’m much improved.

Final Grade: B

7. Keep proper track of finances: Much improved from the beginning of the year. I now have a financial adviser and I have my American finances in reasonable shape now. For a good while I kept a budget and checked my bank balances, but in the latter part of the year I’ve got out of the habit.

Final Grade: C

8. Get back to England for a couple of weeks: I went and it was wonderful 🙂

Final Grade: A

So, my final report card was:

D x1, C x2, B x2, A x3

Not bad! I’ll write about my new resolutions tomorrow 🙂

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