Sunday Lectionary: God’s Green Fingers

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 17th, 2012

After the feasts and solemnities of recent weeks, we finally return to the regular Sundays in Ordinary Time.  For the next few weeks, our New Testament Reading we will come from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians and, for the remainder of this year, we will be working sequentially through the Gospel of Mark.

The Readings this week make heavy use of plant imagery. So, dig out your trowel, dust off your gardening gloves and let’s get stuck in!

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Lectionary Notes: Kingdom Comparisons

My notes are a little shorter this week because we’re going to be spending less time on the readings this week in the JP2 Group.

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 17th July, 2011

Reading 1: Wis 12:13, 16-19


There is no god besides you who have the care of all, that you need show you have not unjustly condemned. For your might is the source of justice; your mastery over all things makes you lenient to all. For you show your might when the perfection of your power is disbelieved; and in those who know you, you rebuke temerity. But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you. And you taught your people, by these deeds, that those who are just must be kind; and you gave your children good ground for hope that you would permit repentance for their sins.

Suggested Questions:

  • What does this reading say about God’s character?
  • What are the similarities and differences between the way we act and the way God acts? What should we learn from this?

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