Make Church Music Great Again

On Sunday I had a friend visit my Byzantine parish here in San Diego. It was her first time visiting an Eastern parish, so afterwards we spent some time talking about the music used in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. In case you have never visited an Eastern Rite parish, you should know that we don’t use instruments, relying instead on the human voice. If you’d like to have an idea of what that sounds like, you might like to check out this post.

This discussion after the Liturgy about music reminded me of this video by Brian Holdsworth, provocatively entitled “Make Church Music Great Again”. In his video he discusses the meaning and use of music, particularly with reference to the celebration of the Eucharist:

Catholic Artists

If you’ve followed this blog for some time, you will know that each Monday I do a post where I share some Christian music, either ancient or modern. I recently discovered a website which will help me select contemporary songs by Catholic artists, The Catholic Playlist Show:


Since I’m not regularly in Protestant circles these days, my exposure to Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is not as great as it used to be, so this site and podcast is ideal for me. The other amazing thing is that about this site is that the Catholic Playlist Show exclusively showcases Catholic artists. Honestly, I think I could name all the prominant contemporary Catholic musicians I know on a single hand, so we’ll see if this site manages to change that!

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