Institute of Catholic Culture

Today I would like to draw your attention to one of the best online sources for Catholic education, the Institute of Catholic Culture.

The Institute was founded by Rev. Franklyn McAfee and Deacon Sabatino Carnazzo. The activities of the institute are centered on the east coast of America, not too far away from where I used to live in Washington DC. However, their work and reach is extended through the magic of the Internet. Their website hosts a huge library of lectures on theology, philosophy, history, Scripture and many other topics. In fact, the website recently underwent a redesign and it is now even possible to watch the lectures live.

Institute Of Catholic Culture

I think I first encountered the Institute through Joe Heschmeyer, Catholic blogger extraordinaire and recent Kansas City seminarian. After he once mentioned the Institute I immediately began consuming all their talks, especially those on Sacred Scripture and the Early Church Fathers. So much great stuff! Here have been some of my favourite talks:

Lives of the Apostolic Fathers
Protestant Revolution | Kingdom of the Cults
Shadows of the Virgin | St. Augustine’s Just War Theory: Then & Now

Anyone who has attended the JP2 Group within the last two years will certainly be familiar with the Institute since I have mentioned them frequently and distributed many of their talks on CD.

The topics are varied, the content is solid and the speakers are engaging. So, if you wish to gain a better understanding of the Catholic faith and experience more of its riches, I would thoroughly recommend that you check out the Institute of Catholic Culture.

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