Brother Andrew’s Life Profession
The Byzantine Catholic monastery (comparatively) near my parish recently celebrated the life profession of Brother Andrew:
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
The Byzantine Catholic monastery (comparatively) near my parish recently celebrated the life profession of Brother Andrew:
Today’s post is a guest post by Robin Armit who works for Holy Art, a company which sells all kinds of religious gifts. All religious items have a wondrous story to tell, and Robin enjoys telling them…
It is common knowledge that monks and nuns have a long history of manufacturing many different kinds of products. Production has traditionally been restricted to fairly standard items such as jams, sweets, beers, wine, and even some medicinal goods. Some monasteries are particularly famous for the quality of their products. For example, Trappist monk beer is considered by many to be some of the best brew in the world.
However, not all monasteries have restricted themselves to the more traditional products. Over the years, some monastic communities have branched out into more unusual ventures. For example, would you like to buy some modern cosmetics and skin care products? Perhaps you might want to learn how to ski? Maybe you would like to liven up an evening with some tonic wine? While I wouldn’t recommend trying these all at the same time, but it might surprise you to know that Catholic monks can help you in each of these cases! In the article which follows you’ll learn more about these enterprising monks, as well as the products and services which they supply.
I came across a great article a while ago which I thought I would share. Over at Ignitum Today that New Media genius Brandon Vogt has written a wonderful article entitled 6 Ways to Create a Portable Monastery:
Anyone who has seen the inside of my car will know that Brandon is man after my own heart. My Masda’s CD changer is pre-loaded with Christian music, some traditional, some contemporary. My driver’s side door is packed with CDs of unheard talks and my passenger door with those CDs I’ve now listened to and which will now be given away at the next JP2 Group meeting. I also have a rosary hidden in the cup holder compartment in case I need to pray away the anger after being cut up by some other driver!