The Thing I couldn’t Stand About Modesty Talks

Hand on heart, there are some parts of the whole chastity movement which I find really annoying. For me, the chief offender here is “the modesty talk”. Now, to be clear, I have heard some excellent talks on modesty. However, I’ve also sat and listened to many which I thought were asinine, prudish and made me roll my eyes until I felt dizzy.

This week I came across this video by Emily Wilson where she expresses similar frustrations. She too gets irritated when the primary reason given for girls dressing modestly is to not lead men to lustful thoughts. She thinks that the primary reason for dressing modestly lies somewhere else…

Emily gets it. Emily dresses classily. Be like Emily.

Bringing out the best in men

Now, to be honest, I’m not much of a Vanity Fair magazine reader. I guess I’m not really part of their core demographic. After all, it’s not like their articles regularly reference Star Wars, martial arts, Catholic theology or computer programming languages. As such, typical Vanity Fair content is not really my thing.

However, the November issue of Vanity Fair features something that attracted my interest, an interview with Jennifer Lawrence, the star of the popular “Hunger Games” movies.


As you may know, about a month ago Miss Lawrence’s iCloud account was hacked and nude photos found there were released onto the internet. In the Vanity Fair interview she spoke about this invasion of privacy and the trauma she experienced as a result. In the part where she spoke about the photos, she made a comment which I found no less revealing than the pictures themselves. Here’s what she said:

“I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years. It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he’s going to look at you.”

I’m afraid to say that the sentiment expressed here is one which may well be felt by other women, which makes me very sad.

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TOT: Bringing Sexy Back

Our recent Theology On Tap series was brought to a close by a San Diego favourite, Jackie Francois…or shouldn’t she be called Jackie Angel now?

Anyway, Jackie spoke at the final Theology On Tap about “Bringing Sexy Back…to its original meaning!”.

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Questions & Answers (Download)

Audio Player

UPDATE: In related news, there’s a little angel on the way

Power Rangers and Bikinis

Power Rangers and bikinis?! Well, that has to be the most random title for a post in the history of this blog (and that’s saying something). Below is a video of Jessica Rey talking about the history of the bikini:

If Jessica looks familiar to you it’s quite possibly because she is a former Power Ranger, from Power Ranges: Wild Force. Although she no longer helps Zordon defend the earth from alien baddies, she helps make it a better place by designing modest swimwear. She is also a chastity and modesty speaker.