Sunday Lectionary: Travelling Light

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 15th, 2012

In our Lectionary this week we learn about the calling of the Prophet Amos, a regular blue-collar worker who was called by God to be a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, away from his home in the Kingdom of Judah.

The notion of a “calling” is also found in our Second Reading. St. Paul says In [Christ] we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things”. In our baptism we too have been chosen and sent out as prophets into the world, to preach a life-giving message which is so often received with nothing but hostility.

Finally, in our Gospel Reading, Jesus sends out His Twelve Apostles to preach and to heal, to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.

A man of prayer is capable of everything. Hence it is very important that missioners dedicate themselves to this practice with great affection, because without it they will accomplish little or nothing, whereas through it, more than by letters or persuasive speech, they will be capable of touching hearts and winning souls to their Creator. -St. Vincent de Paul

Our Lord instructs the Apostles to “travel light”, taking only the simplest of supplies and to trust in the providence of God. Good advice for us all…

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