On the Road with a Hobo Missionary

Here’s a mini-documentary about my friend, Meg, The Hobo For Christ…
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Here’s a mini-documentary about my friend, Meg, The Hobo For Christ…
Following the recent events in Charlottesville, Meg Hunter-Kilmer‘s latest podcast episode addresses the issue of racism. Meg talks with her little nephew about this very sensitive subject and tells some lovely saint stories along the way.
For those of you who have little kids, I think this is a really great way to talk with them about some of the things currently happening in the United States.
Lent is now on the horizon. If you’re looking for some creative Lent ideas, I thoroughly recommend that you check out the following post from my friend, Meg Hunter-Kilmer, entitled 100 Things to Do for Lent:
Meg has lots of great suggestions as to how one can embrace the Church’s exhortation to pray, fast and give alms. If you’re looking to have a more creative, out-of-the-ordinary Lent, please give it a read.
If you’d like to know more about Meg, or if you’d like to get energized about Lent, Meg was also recently interviewed on Fountain of Carrots where you’ll get to hear how she approaches the upcoming liturgical season:
Audio Player
Honestly, I’ve been rather horrified by many of the exchanges I’ve seen among friends on Facebook recently on the subject of politics. So, as we enter the final few days before the Presidential Election, I thought it would be a good idea to share Meg Hunter-Kilmer‘s article on “How not to be a jerk online”:
A Protestant friend and I were recently talking about the Reformation. I was talking about the problems with what Luther and the others did. In reply, he asked me: “What should they have done? What does real reformation look like?”
I had planned to write a post as a response, but then I remembered that my friend Meg had already done it. Enjoy…
As promised, here is the video of Meg‘s talk at the Goretti Group, entitled “How Men & Women Love Differently”…
If you live in San Diego, you should know that Meg Hunter-Kilmer, speaker, blogger and “hobo for Christ”, will be in San Diego this week. She’s going to be speaking after the Goretti Mass this Friday in Little Italy:
If you haven’t come across Meg, then go check out her blog now. Seriously, do it now, it’s one of the most original Catholic blogs I read. Read How To Pray With Kids and try and tell me it’s not brilliant, I dare you…. :-p