Hanukkah Starts Tomorrow
The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, commemorating the events described in the books of 1 & 2 Maccabees, starts tomorrow. The Maccabeats have released a new song to celebrate:
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, commemorating the events described in the books of 1 & 2 Maccabees, starts tomorrow. The Maccabeats have released a new song to celebrate:
I haven’t posted a Maccabeats video in a while. Time we fixed that with an absolutely gorgeous song inspired by Psalm 122…
Lemaan achai vereai,
Because of my brothers and friends
Adabra na, adabra na,
Let me speak, let me speak –
shalom bach
Peace to you.
Lemaan bait Hashem Elokainu
For the house of The Lord Our God
avaksha tov lach
I will ask for the best to you
Longtime favourites here at Restless Pilgrim, the Maccabeats, have released a new song (D’ror Yikra):
He will proclaim freedom for all his children
And will keep you as the apple of his eye
Pleasant is your name and will not be destroyed
Repose and rest on the Sabbath day.
Seek my sanctuary and my home.
Give me a sign of deliverance.
Plant a vine in my vineyard.
Look to my people, hear their laments.
Tread the wine-press in Bozrah,
And in Babylon that city of might
Crush my enemies in anger and fury.
On the day when I cry, hear my voice.
Plant, Oh God, in the mountain waste
Fir and acacia, myrtle and elm
Give those who teach and those who obey
Abundance peace, like the flow of a river.
Repel my enemies, Oh zealous God.
Fill their hearts with fear and despair.
Then we shall open our mouths,
And fill our tongues with Your praise.
Know wisdom, that your soul may live,
And it shall be a diadem for your brow.
Keep the commandment of your Holy One
Observe the Sabbath, your sacred day
I’m nearly done with travelling so I’ll be back to proper blogging soon. Until then, please enjoy the latest from the Maccabeats:
Since today is the last day of Hanukkah, here’s the latest release from the Maccabeats, “Shine”:
Sunset last night marked the beginning in the Jewish liturgical year of “Hanukkah “, also known as the “Festival of Lights”.
Hanukkah is an eight-day feast which commemorates the re-dedication of the Jerusalem Temple after the Maccabean Revolt in the Second Century BC. A description of this revolt is found recorded in 1st Maccabees, a book found in the Deuterocanon and therefore absent from Protestant Bibles. It is interesting to note, however, that we know for a fact that this festival was celebrated by Jesus:
“And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.” – John 10:22-23
Today on Facebook I’ve been re-publishing my previous Hanukkah posts (such as this and this), but my favourite definitely has to be the a cappella version of “Dynamite” by the ever-creative Maccabeats:
This put a smile on my face this morning, Pope John Paul II singing Taio Cruz’s song Dynamite
(If you like this, check out the Maccabeat’s version of the song)