Second Century Liturgy Uploaded!

A while ago I uploaded a document to the Patristics section of this blog which was a short extract from the writings of St. Justin, apologist and martyr of the Early Church. The extract came from his First Apology where he wrote about the liturgy of the Church in Rome during the Second Century. I’ve recently been doing some blog maintenance and I’ve now recorded that document onto MP3:

 First Apology (Extract) from St. Justin Martyr

More recordings will be coming over the next couple of weeks: Apostolic Tradition and the Liturgy of St. James.

Historic Worship

I would suggest that a large number of Christians naturally assume that the Early Church worshiped in the same way as their own congregation in 21st Century America:

Relevant Worship(Thanks to Patrick Vanderpool for the artwork)

Thankfully, we are not left in ignorance as to how the Early Church worshiped, since Church Fathers such as St. Justin left us written descriptions. These documents show us that the Early Church had a structured liturgy which had, at its centre, the Eucharist.

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Saint Worship

I went to Mass at lunch today and was thinking about the common concern among Protestants that Catholics and Eastern Orthodox worship the Saints.

Let me just say up front that we don’t worship the Saints, we honour them. Now, that’s a fine and dandy thing to say, but really, is there a difference between “worship” and “honour”?

All Saints

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Liturgical Dance

UPDATE: I saw this on Brandon Vogt‘s Facebook page…

A good friend told me a story this weekend about a priest he once knew. The local bishop was visiting this priest’s parish for Mass, but before Mass began the whole assembly was treated to an elaborate liturgical dance. It was the real-deal: hand-scarves, dresses, music, tambourines, hand gestures, and more.

When the dance was over, the bishop slowly turned to the priest and whispered in his ear: “If they come up and ask for your head on a platter, they’re going to get it.”

Liturgical Gangsta

In the past I’ve attended non-Catholic churches and heard things like “We don’t do liturgy. The funny thing was that when I came back the following week the service was exactly the same. It was identical the next week…and also the week after that… Things happened pretty much like clockwork.

The truth is that they did have liturgy, it was just their liturgy…

Worship of St. Hippolytus

St. Hippolytus of RomeOn Thursday we will be continuing the JP2 Group‘s study of worship in the Early Church by reading another extract from the Early Church. This text comes from the writing of Hippolytus of Rome (c AD 170 – 235) entitled “Apostolic Tradition” and was probably written in about AD 215.

Bishop: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Bishop: Lift up your hearts.

All: We lift them up to the Lord.

Bishop: Let us give thanks to the Lord.

All: It is proper and right.

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