Wise Words On Wednesday: Know God or know about God?


“We may study as much as we will but we shall still not come to know the Lord unless we live according to His commandments, for the Lord is not made known through learning but by the Holy Spirit. Many philosophers and scholars have arrived at a belief in the existence of God but they have not come to know God. And we monks apply ourselves day and night to the study of the Lord’s command but not all of us by a long way have come to know the Lord, although we believe in Him.”

– St Silouan the Athonite

Friday Frivolity: No knowledge needed

The stupidity of so much of the media coverage during the recent Papal Election was almost unbearable. I tried to avoid much of it as possible.

However, this is priceless. Prior to the actual election of Pope Francis, Jimmy Kimmel sent out a camera crew to ask the American public what they thought of the new (non-existent) Pope. The results were impressive, conclusively demonstrating that knowledge is an entirely unnecessary prerequisite to the holding of an opinion…

Unfortunately the video has been removed 🙁

Getting ahead of ourselves


Another brother spoke with the same Theodore, and he began to talk about matters of which he had no experience.

Theodore said to him, “You’ve not yet found a ship to sail in, nor put your luggage aboard, not put out to sea, and you’re already acting as if you were in the city which you mean to reach. If you make some attempt to do the things you are discussing, then you can talk about them with understanding.

– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V