Can Evolution explain morality?

Karlo Broussard answers the question: “Can evolution explain morality?”
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Karlo Broussard answers the question: “Can evolution explain morality?”
Have you ever been confused by the term “Natural Law”? Does it simply mean that if something “natural” then it’s okay? Karlo Broussard explains…
As many of you know, I recently moved back from Seattle to my old stomping ground of sunny San Diego. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get back in time for the Catholic Answers Summer Series where the speakers from the local apologetics apostolate give talks at different parishes around the Diocese. Fortunately, they’re available online!
Tim Staples: Behold your mother, Defending your faith
Jimmy Akin: Understanding the Book of Revelation
Karlo Broussard: Defending truth in a relativastic culture, God still matters
Patrick Coffin: Apologetics for chickens
Christopher Check: The Galileo Affair