Music Monday: Even Unto Death

I’ve decided to take a little break from blogging during Advent. There’s a lot going on in my life at the moment, not least of which is the culmination of a project at work. I’ll be back blogging regularly in the New Year. In the meantime, expect lots of “Classic Pilgrim” posts on the Facebook Page.

Since this post will be the first thing on the blog which visitors will see for the next month, I spent a little bit of time thinking about what would be my last entry. When I realized that this post would be a Music Monday entry, the decision was easy…


Last week I found out that my friend Justin Schaefer died. So, with this in mind, today’s song is “Even Unto Death” by Audrey Assad. Many of Audrey’s recent songs have meditated on the subject of death:

Death, be not proud, though the whole world fear you:
Mighty and dreadful you may seem… [but] if your sleep be the gates to Heaven, why your confidence?

– Death be not proud, Audrey Assad

Today’s song focuses not such much on death, but of a life poured out for love of Jesus. This is what makes me think of Justin. I first met Justin through the Taizé services which he organized during his stay in San Diego, later leaving to work for Christ the King Service Corps. Justin was a real class act, a real gentleman and a wonderful man of prayer.

May he rest in peace.

Jesus, the very thought of You, it fills my heart with love
Jesus, You burn like wildfire and I am overcome

Lover of my soul, even unto death
With my every breath I will love You x2

Jesus, you are my only hope
And You, my prize shall be
Jesus, You are my glory now and in eternity

In my darkest hour, in humiliation,
I will wait for You, I am not forsaken
Oh, I lose my life, oh, my breath be taken
I will wait for You, I am not forsaken

One thing I desire to see You in Your beauty
You are my delight, yeah, You are my only
You have sacrificed, oh, Your love is all consuming
You are my delight, yeah, You are my glory

I will love You, even unto death, I will love You
With my every breath I will love You
Jesus, the very thought of You
Jesus, the very thought of You…