PWJ: S1E27 – MC Bonus – “Mailbag Episode (Part 1)”

We’re back! After a bit of a hiatus (sorry about that!), Matt and I are now publishing podcasts again. We’ve got the next six already recorded, edited and ready to go. The next two episodes will be “mailbag episodes” where we will be reading some iTunes reviews and responding to messages from you, the listeners. After that, we’ll be diving into Book IV of Mere Christianity.

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 27: “Mailbag Episodes (Part 1)” (Download)

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How to argue…

Last week I watched Jordan Peterson being interviewed on Channel 4 by Cathy Newman. I say “interview”, but “debate” was closer to the fact:

Peterson chose his words carefully and responded to his interviewer’s questions. Newman, on the other hand, repeatedly twisted his words and ignored the thrust of his arguments. This video is well worth a watch in its entirety, just to see how arguments should be constructed.

I’ve started listening to his podcast and it’s a really interesting listen. Check it out 🙂