Friday Frivolity: Christian Jokes

"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
I’ve got quite a few apologetics-related posts scheduled this coming week, so here’s a lighthearted look at how the different Christian denominations see one another… Thanks to Dave Armstrong for finding this one…
I spent the last few days in Vegas on vacation so I’ve been catching up with my blog reading and found that, a couple of days ago, Joe Heschmeyer from Shameless Popery wrote a great post entitled Preparing Ourselves as Tabernacles For The Lord. This is a subject related to my post below. I began writing this entry about a month ago and scheduled it for publishing today – I’m not copying you Joe, honest!
A couple of weeks ago it was the feast day of St. Philip Neri.
Philip was born in Florence in 1515. At about the age of eighteen he experienced a deep conversion of heart and moved to Rome with no money or plan, but simply trusted in God’s providence. He worked for two years as a live-in tutor, but otherwise led a simple life of solitude and prayer.
He studied Philosophy and Theology for about three years but then brought his studies to an abrupt close. He launched a mission to the people of Rome, which was fortunate since, at that time, both the people and the Church of Rome were in a particularly shabby spiritual state.
There are many praiseworthy aspects of Philip’s life which are worth sharing, but the episode I would like to recount here is one which demonstrates his rather cheeky sense of humour…
One of the charges I’ve had leveled at me in the past is that I’m not a very open person and that I’m not very good at communicating what I’m thinking. Now, I personally don’t think this is true, but I guess one can only deny something like this for so long, particularly when the rest of the world seems to think otherwise. And so in the spirit of good communication….