PWJ: S4E95 – Bonus – “Pride and Humility” with Cullen Herout from “Ready to Stand”

David was invited onto “Ready to Stand” by host Cullen Herout to talk about Lewis’ views on humility and pride.
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
David was invited onto “Ready to Stand” by host Cullen Herout to talk about Lewis’ views on humility and pride.
In today’s letter, Matt and guest co-host Crystal Hurd discuss how Screwtape intends to counteract a dangerous new trait in the patient – humility!
S4E28: Letter #14 – “Humble and kind” (Download)
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Read moreWe have finally made it! In today’s episode we draw to a close our journey through “Mere Christianity”. Lewis closes out Book IV by talking in more detail about “The New Men”…
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Episode 41: The New Men (Download)
Today we come to the deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins, pride, as well as its counterpart, my favourite virtue, humility.
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Episode 21: “The Great Sin” (Download)
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Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so
– Lord Chesterfield
Don’t worry, this isn’t my article. Humility is something I’ve rarely been accused of, despite my repeatedly pointing it out to others…
The article How to be humble first appeared on