San Diego “Year of Faith” Conference

What are you doing to mark the Year of Faith? Well, if you live in San Diego, why not come to the “Year of Faith” Conference in February? 


It is going to be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, beginning Friday evening on February 15th and continuing on all day on Saturday, February 16th. There will be Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and optional Rosary Walk or Praise and Worship session.

In addition, there will be four inspiring talks offered by the clergy of the parish, together with Fr. Jacob Bertrand, our guest speaker from St. Rose of Lima.

Know Your Faith” | “Live Your Faith” | “Share Your Faith” | “Explain Your Faith”


You may attend the conference at no charge, but it is requested that you register with the parish office (619.291.1660) so we have some idea of numbers.

More details to follow…