TEA: Entrepreneurial Faith (San Antonio)


Last week I was in San Antonio giving my “Entrepreneurial Faith” talk to the YCP chapter there.

“Entrepreneurial Faith” (Download)

Q&A (Download)


— Questions —

• You’re an British Catholic. How is that possible?!

• What did you read which led you back into the Catholic Faith?

• How can I put the gift of writing to the service of the Church?
(Just as I was about the answer this question, there was a thunderclap outside!)

Are you in San Antonio on Tuesday? I am!

I’ve just finished being interviewed on The Jennifer Fulwiler Show. Jen was kind enough to advertise my speaking engagement in San Antonio this Tuesday. I will be speaking on “Entrepreneurial Faith” to the Young Catholic Professional (YCP) group.

The event will be at Holy Rosary Church on Camino Santa Maria Street, 6-9pm. So, if you’re in the area and in your 20’s or 30’s, please feel free to come along – I’d love to meet you!

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YCP: Entrepreneurial Faith

This weekend I gave a talk at the “St. Joseph The Worker” retreat for Young Catholic Professionals in San Diego. My talk was entitled “Entrepreneurial Faith”. The audio is a little crackly, but not too bad… 🙂

Entrepreneurial Faith (Download)

Q&A (Download)


— Questions —

• Do we get a book or CD for any question we ask?!

• What is your favourite football team?

• Can you tell us a bit about your conversion story?
If you would like to hear more of my story, you can hear it in my talk, What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?

• What is your favourite C.S. Lewis CD?

• What are the problems you see in the Church? 
In my answer, I reference my blog series, Catholics Come Home.