Wise Words on Wednesday: Rainbow

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
Maya Angelou
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
Maya Angelou
Today’s post may be somewhat controversial, but I’d like to talk about this particular topic because it was an aspect of dating which most infuriated me in my early twenties.
In an earlier post, I spoke about a counterfeit, passive masculinity which one often finds within Christianity. However, thanks to writers such John Elridge and Jason Evert, there has been a growing shift with regards to the expected behaviour of men within the Church.
As a result, the ladies are encouraged to expect a lot more from the guys. Courageous valour, rather than niceness is the order of the day. Related to this, you hear constant mention of one word in particular, “pursuit”.
Today I would like to address some of the potential hazards with the idea of pursuit and suggest what can be done to safeguard against them.
Today I thought I’d post the fourth part of my five-part series on leading a Bible study. In the earlier posts (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) I discussed some Do’s and Don’ts of preparation, beginning the meeting and starting the discussion. Today I would now like to continue to discuss some suggested Do’s and Don’ts of guiding the discussion…
DON’T: Sit inappropriately close. It’s kinda creepy