Friday Frivolity: Follow your heart

"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Another hilarious one from Catholic Memes – Eastern Edition… As you may know, in the Byzantine Church, we don’t have Confessionals. Instead, we confess before the icon of Christ and the priest is at our side…
For more thoughts on this, please see my post The Excuses We Make.
Also go check out Brandon Vogt’s Catholic Speakers List…
Earlier this week, Joe at Shameless Popery produced an excellent couple of posts (Part 1 | Part 2) in response to an hour-long presentation by Evangelical Brian Edwards. In his lecture, Pastor Edwards attempts to prove why the Protestant canon is correct and why the Bible should only contain 66 books.
I strongly recommend you go and read Joe’s rebuttal. However, if you’re too lazy, here it is expressed in “meme” form….
(In case you’re not up-to-date with how the kids speak today, you can learn about YOLO here)