Joan Weber talking to Young Adult Leaders

Back in October, the Young Adult leaders of San Diego attended a seminar on Young Adult Ministry given by Joan Weber from the Center for Ministry Development. Here’s the audio:

Part 1 (Download)

Audio Player

Part 2 (Download)

Audio Player

Part 3 (Download)

Audio Player

Sorry it took me a while to edit and upload – it’s been a rather busy couple of months :-/

TOT: Mary, Saints, Angels and more!

On October 16th, as part of our recent Theology on Tap series, Kimberly Barber spoke to us on the topic of “Mary, Saints, Angels and more: Getting to know the heroes of our faith in a new way”.

Saints and Angels

Here are the MP3 audio files available for download:

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

Kimberly is a Master Catechist for the Diocese. She grew up in Southern California and attended the Franciscan University of Steubenville for her undergraduate degree and then went to Fuller Theological Seminary for her postgraduate study. She now lives in San Diego with her three children and her husband Dr. Michael Barber, Professor of Theology at John Paul The Great Catholic University who himself has spoken at Theology on Tap in the past.