Immersion Only?

As you may have noticed, I’m doing a bunch of posts at the moment about infant baptism. One issue I’m not going to address in this series is the question of the mode of baptism: immersion, pouring etc.

Fortunately, Doug Beaumont over at Soul Device has just released a post on that very subject:

Immersion Only?

Science built on philosophy

In my random atheist encounter last weekend we spent some time talking about faith and science. I spoke about the limits of science (the material world) and the philosophical presuppositions which science must assume to be true:

1. A world outside our minds must exist
2. We must be able to attain true knowledge of this world
3. Logic must be operable
4. Our sense must give us trustworthy data
5. Nature must be orderly and constant

(I didn’t make up this list, I read it a while ago on Soul Device)

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