Going Into the desert…

Today is Ash Wednesday and it marks the beginning of Lent in the Church’s liturgical year, a time of prayer, fasting and alms giving.  In the Blogosphere, you’ll also hear a lot of talk about the 1-1-1 Plan.

I’ve decided to take a bit of a break from publishing anything of my own for the next forty days (with just a few exceptions). Instead of regular blog entries, I have scheduled my favourite quotations from one of the most recent books I’ve finished, Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

Ash Wednesday

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Sunday Lectionary: Living Bread From Heaven

These notes have been taking up too much of my time again. I’m really going to try and concentrate on keeping them brief…

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 12th, 2012

Our Readings this week continue building on the themes of the past few weeks. In our First Reading we hear about how God provided bread and water for Elijah in the desert and in our Gospel Jesus continues with His the “Bread of life Discourse”. In our Second Reading Paul continues His moral exhortation to the Ephesians.

last supper

O sacrament of mercy, O sign of unity, O bond of love! Whoso wishes to live, let him draw nigh, believe, be incorporated, that he may be quickened. – St. Augustine

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