Wise Words on Wednesday: Culture Today and Christianity


Today in our culture…

materialism is idolized,
immorality is glamorized,
truth is minimized,
sin is normalized,
divorce is rationalized,
and abortion is legalized.

In TV and movies…

crime is sensationalized,
drugs are legitimized,
comedy is vulgarized,
and sex is trivialized.

In movies…

the Bible is fictionalized,
churches are satirized,
God is marginalized,
and Christians are demonized.

Also in our society…

the elderly are dehumanized,
the sick are euthanized,
the poor are victimized,
the mentally ill are ostracized,
immigrants are stigmatized,
and children are tranquilized.

Our families now live in a world where…

manners are uncivilized,
speech is vulgarized,
education is secularized,
advertising is sensualized,
and everything is commercialized.

Now, unfortunately Christians, you and I, we’re often disorganized, and we’re demoralized, our faith is compartmentalized, and our witness is compromised.

– Rick Warren

Wise Words on Wednesday: A point to ponder

Milton Jones

Apart from being involved at the beginning of science, systems of government, philosophy, art, schools, hospitals, the emancipation of women, the abolition of slavery, social welfare, helping form the basis of the moral code most people live by, and introducing popular notions of justice, mercy, peace, decency and compassion…what has Christianity ever done for the world?

– Milton Jones