Another post on the Ham Debate
I posted a couple of links to some Catholic blogs which discussed the Creationism debate a few days ago. I’ve pretty much concluded that I’m not going to have time to write my own, so here’s Trent with his analysis:
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
I posted a couple of links to some Catholic blogs which discussed the Creationism debate a few days ago. I’ve pretty much concluded that I’m not going to have time to write my own, so here’s Trent with his analysis:
I haven’t had a chance to really dig into the debate between Bill Nye The Science Guy and Ken Ham The Creation Man. At work we’re busy doing some new software releases and in my free time I’m also busy trying to finish off my series about the March For Life.
So, in the absence of time, here are a couple of nice responses, the first from Strange Notions and the other from Bad Catholic: