Tag: Car
Portable Monastery
I came across a great article a while ago which I thought I would share. Over at Ignitum Today that New Media genius Brandon Vogt has written a wonderful article entitled 6 Ways to Create a Portable Monastery:
Anyone who has seen the inside of my car will know that Brandon is man after my own heart. My Masda’s CD changer is pre-loaded with Christian music, some traditional, some contemporary. My driver’s side door is packed with CDs of unheard talks and my passenger door with those CDs I’ve now listened to and which will now be given away at the next JP2 Group meeting. I also have a rosary hidden in the cup holder compartment in case I need to pray away the anger after being cut up by some other driver!
Of my own accord…
The other post earlier today was a bit intense, so I think it’s time for some levity…
(Thanks to Niyog for this one)