More Camino Films

While I was walking on the Camino, virtually everyone I met along the road had seen The Way, a movie which I reviewed when it first came out in 2011. I think it’s safe to say that this film did much to revitalize the pilgrimage and bring the Camino to a new generation.

However, it turns out that “The Way” is not the only movie produced concerning this ancient pilgrimage across Spain. Just before I left for Spain, I shared a link to Phil’s Camino, the story of a man with Stage IV cancer, walking along the Camino:


I recently heard about A Way To Forgiveness, which is the video journal of a lady who decided to walk across the Camino, in an effort to find healing, following the breakdown of her marriage:


I’ve also come across I’ll push you, which tells the story of two life-long friends making the Camino, one of whom has a progressive neuromuscular disease which keeps him in a wheelchair:


While I was on the Camino myself, I came across Camino Sin Limites, a team with two brothers, Oliver and Juan Luis who is also wheelchair-bound:


What is it about the Camino which inspires such journies?

Pilgrim Podcast: Episode 0

coverIn the past I have toyed around with the idea of starting a podcast. For example, during Lent one year I produced a series of YouTube videos on the Epistle to the Philippians, I extracted the audio from each video and setup a podcast feed so that people could easily follow along with the study on their iPods. However, I never really committed to doing a podcast in its own right…until now.

At the bottom of this post, you’ll find the inaugrual episode of the new Restless Pilgrim Podcast where I outline this new project.

I’m sure there will be plenty of new challenges ahead as I try to do record a weekly podcast. Even in simply producing this short, initial episode I discovered that I say “um” in my speech far more often than I had imagined! However, I’m sure that this new endeavor will give me ample opportunity to grow, to learn more about the world of podcasting and hopefully to become a better evangelist, learning to articulate the truths of the Catholic Faith more clearly and charitably.

Episode 0: Inaugual Podcast (Download)

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Returning from the ends of the earth…

Hey everyone! This is just a quick note to say that I’m safely back from pilgrimage to the Camino De Santiago in Spain. Over the last month, I walked over the Pyranees from France, all the way on foot to the Cathedral of St. James. For good measure I then walked the final three days to Finisterra and the Atlantic Ocean!


Please expect to see regular activity on this blog resume in the coming days, including a more detailed reflection of my time away on pilgrimage. Buen Camino!

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