PWJ: S1E37 – Bonus – “Aslan’s Country”

Today’s episode will be a little different from usual. This week, I tell Matt about my trip to The Kilns, the home of C.S. Lewis in Oxford. Afterwards, we finish up the episode by responding to some listener questions about God and gender.

The audio quality varies over the course of the episode. We actually recorded this a little while ago and thankfully have improved our recording process quite a bit since then.

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 37: Aslan’s Country (Download)

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PWJ: S1E35 – MC B4C6 – “Two Notes”

The chapter today is a short one. In it, Lewis adds two notes concerning things which were mentioned in the previous chapter. The first relates to the begetting of many sons and the second concerns his description of humanity as one great organism.

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 35: Two Notes (Download)

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PWJ: S1E33 – MC B4C5 – “The Obstinate Toy Soldiers”

Today we encounter one of my favourite chapter titles in Mere Christianity: “The Obstinate Toy Soldiers”. Today we speak more about Christ’s Resurrection and what it achieved, and how we can benefit from it.

This is our first remote episode. Matt moved to New York this month, so over the next few weeks we’ll be working out technical issues as we get used to doing this podcast remotely over the next.

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 33: The Obstinate Toy Soldiers (Download)

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PWJ: S1E32 – MC B4C4 – “Good Infection”

This week we continue to discuss the Trinity and the terms used to describe each its members. We ask what it means to say that “God is love”. Finally, we dig deeper into understanding what it means to participate in the life of God.

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 32: “Good Infection” (Download)

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle PlayPodbeanStitcher and TuneIn).

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PWJ: S1E31 – MC B4C3 – “Time and Beyond Time”

Today we’re talking about time. This might seen like an abstract topic, but it helps us understand important questions, such as:

1. If God is all-knowing, how can we really have free will?
2. How can God keep creation going while He was a baby asleep in a manger?
3. How can God be attending to millions of prayers at once?

So put on your thinking cap and let’s ponder the mystery of time…

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!

Episode 31: “Time and Beyond Time” (Download)

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