The Role of the Laity

In some circles, it’s very popular to complain about those in leadership, especially our bishops. A while ago I came across this challenging quotation from Archbishop Chaput, one which I think is well worthy of meditation:


It is the vocation of every Catholic to work in advancing the Kingdom. Therefore, prior to unleashing unbridled vitriol against the shepherds, I must first ask myself if I have been truly steadfast in contending for the Faith.

Why stop now?

For the last six weeks Catholics have been abstaining from meat on Fridays as part of their Lenten observance. Lent is over!…Easter is here!…does that mean that we can stop now?

In centuries past

Christians have historically done penance on Fridays to remember our Lord’s Passion, as well as on Wednesdays to recall Judas’ betrayal:

…fast on [Wednesday] and [Friday] – The Didache (1st Century), Chapter 8

What about now?

There has been some confusion over this subject in recent years, but Canon Law states:

The penitential days and times in the universal Church are every Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent – Canon 1250

So, it’s clear that every Friday is a penitential day. But what kind of penance is required?

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