Catholic Bucket List #6: Read some CS Lewis

Today we have something of a rather odd Catholic Bucket List item:

Catholic Bucket List #6: Read some CS Lewis


This is something of an odd Bucket List item since CS Lewis isn’t, in fact, Catholic. However, he is an absolutely terrific writer. This year I have read four C.S. Lewis books and have been so impressed by his depth of thought and refined style. His insight into spiritual battle and temptation in The Screwtape letters is so insightful. His articulation of the Christian faith in Mere Christianity is just superb.

However, you don’t have to read this theological works to fulfill this bucket list item though. Lewis was a writer of some wonderful fiction. I grew up with my mother and sister reading The Chronicles of Narnia to me and they were some of the first books I read myself when I was able. In fact, I would go so far as to invite you, if you have not yet read them, to read The Chronicles of Narnia. In the past few years I have made new friends who have never read them before. When I discover this to be the case, I immediately go out and buy a set for them.