Tag: Assumption
Happy Assumption!
Happy Feast of the Assumption/Dormition
Head back to Sunday School, Colbert…

On Catholic Memes, I just saw a video where Stephen Colbert challenged another celebrity to a Catholic throwdown. This time his opponent was Patricia Heaton, star of “Everybody loves Raymond” and “The Middle”:
Oh Stephen…you disappoint me.
I counted at least three major Catholic mistakes in this throwdown, three “maxima culpas”, if you will. So get out your sackcloth and ashes, and let me I teach you something about the Catholic Faith…
Feasting On Fridays
Today is Friday, but there’ll be no fasting today because today is the Feast Day! Today we celebrate the Assumption/Dormition of the Blessed Virgin. In case you were wondering, yes, it’s a Holy Day of Obligation/Opportunity.
To prepare for Mass today, I’d invite you read yesterday’s post from Joe Heschmeyer over at Shameless Popery. Joe includes the text of a homily by St. Gregory the Wonder-Worker from the mid-200s..
“When I remember the disobedience of Eve, I weep. But when I view the fruit of Mary, I am again renewed”
“… For from Mary, the divine fountain of the ineffable Godhead, gushes forth grace and free gift of the Holy Spirit. From a single Holy Virgin the Pearl of much price proceeded, in order to make alive once more the first-created man that was dead through sin…”
“Holy and wise in all things was the all-blessed Virgin; in all ways peerless among all nations, and unrivaled among women”
If you’d like to read more, thanks to Joe the entire homily is available here…
Happy Assumption!
This morning, in honour of the Assumption, I reposted my “Biblical Mary” article on Facebook (Matt Fradd wrote on the same topic today – great minds…).
As a follow-up, here’s a video of Scott Hahn speaking about the Assumption. As usual, he packs in a vast amount of material and information, so hang on to your hats…
And for something a little lighter…